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Living a life of godly character requires discipline, self-sacrifice, and a compassion for people. True character is revealed when others are not watching.

“Character is made up of small duties faithfully performed--of self-denials, of self-sacrifices, of kindly acts of love and duty.” ~ Anonymous
Character is defined as a distinctive set of qualities measured in terms of personality, behavior, or appearance that make somebody or something, interesting and attractive. Godly character is recognized as being righteous or having the divine qualities of God.

A person with Godly character may appear religious; however their traits are defined with attributes of compassion, humility and faith.

Your true character is not developed in the trial time. Rather, it is only being revealed by the condition you find yourself in. If you are a spirit-filled christian, you have no excuse for your lack of Godly character.

What does the Bible say about godly character? According to Galatians 5:22, the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Allowing the Holy Spirit to work through the believer, these godly traits are developed.

So why should one develop godly character? 

Now more than ever it’s necessary to develop these worthy traits as a living testimony, in order to reach the lost, and open others heart condition.

To survive in today’s modern world one must continually reinvent themselves. It’s the age old question of how to live in a society that becomes dull to the sensations of compassion and humanity. Times have changed. Living in a society rich with entitlement, people want success, to get rich quick, and remain content in all things. With failing marriages, loss of jobs, and a declining health many wonder what will be next. 

“It is strange that while praying, we seldom ask for a change of character, but always a change of circumstances.” ~ Anonymous
Look at the characters in the Bible. God used Moses to lead His chosen people out of bondage into the promise land. Moses’ life was transformed during the process with Godly character. 

Ruth was a woman of noble character. As a young widow she chose to follow her mother-in-law and serve God. Unaware how God would use her, Ruth left everything behind. Her obedience was honored. She became the great grandmother to King David and Jesus Christ was the great descendant of this genealogy. A reward no person could have chosen by themselves.

Everyday God chooses men and women for a specific purpose, to make a difference. Developing godly character leads to a life full of joy and blessings.

Your character determines your destiny. CF


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